Sunday, February 7, 2010

Walking to church :)

I love that today the sun was shinning and it was finally warm enough to walk to church! The only thing that really went wrong was the battery life on my point and shoot... so I had to go with the camera on my phone. The picture quality sucks but the moment was too important to miss. Plus I didn't want to miss ANOTHER day! ;)


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 37- Shoes.... and sleeping

Originally my post was going to be about how after months of being lost we finally found Riley's tennis shoes!! Now I feel like I have to add this picture of Brayden who fell asleep like this after hours of intense Wii playing... kids!


Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36- Opps I did it again...

Or i guess DIDN'T do it again... no picture :( Man I am slipping! But at least I am honest right?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35- Got something on your mind?

These days my life is CRAZY!! I seriously have to remind myself to do just about everything...
Exhibit A-


Here's a couple of her playing on the floor with brother :)

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I don't know about you... but I hate my green carpet... I can't wait for it to be warm outside and for the green in my pictures to be grass! Either that or a big tax return to replace it!

Here's another one I just have to post... :)


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34- X

Well it finally happened!! I went a day with no pictures!! GASP! I will try to be better

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33- Shots?

Well Brayden was suppose to get shots today at his 5 yr. check up, so I got him all prepared for it... promising him ice cream for being really brave. Well turns out he got all caught up last year and so he is good to go for Kindergarten. But I still had to honor my promise ;)

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32- 1st haircut!

Avery's hair was beginning to look more like a mullet then long flowing locks, so I decided it was time for a trim! Also notice the lovely bald spot ;)


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31- I know its silly but...

I got really excited to see that my blog has over 20,000 hits now!!!


Also I wanted to share this picture I got this morning!! Isn't she a doll?! Meet baby Quinn!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 30- 5 MONTHS

I just can't believe she's already five months old! She looks just as surprised as I am!!


Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29- Baby Einstein's

In an attempt to keep Avery happy while I was gone for a meeting, Bryan looked up a Baby Einstein's movie on YouTube... so when I got home I found her like this! And then the older kids thought it would be fun to watch too.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28- Fun day out!

Today was daddy's day off so we took the kids out for some fun! First we went to Magical Moon Toys to FINALLY get something (you may recognize it from DAY 2)! Here are the kids with their picks :) Riley choose a jewelry box decorating kit and Brayden chose a bug catcher! Then we headed over to the Fun Park to let the kids get all their energy out on the soft play. They didn't really want to slow down for pictures, so we just had fun taking a couple of Avery :)

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 27- Pink!

I found this new location and Riley just HAD to take a picture by it! It's a pink house!!! :)


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26- Sleeping on the floor

Today Avery was just rolling around on the floor playing and the next thing I know, I look over and she is out cold! So sweet :)


Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25- Random...

So today I was waiting outside of Bryan's work to go out to lunch with him and I looked over and saw these dogs... they looked just as bored as I was so I had to take a picture.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24- Waffles :)

Growing up we always had waffles every weekend, usually on Saturday morning. Now my mom shares the tradition with my kids and I love her for it! They look forward to them every time they visit :)
P.S. I know there is a lot of pictures for this one, but I can't help... I'm makin memories here!

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23- Old-Fashion Love

I love that this picture looks like it could have been taken 50 years ago...


Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22- Out for Lunch

I was not going to eat another PB&J today! mama wanted some real food... that she didn't have to cook! haha and Bryan has never said NO to Wingers!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21- First Snowman!

Brayden has been begging to make a snowman all winter... so daddy took him out to make one! I named him "Adam"... you can guess why! What do you expect from boys?! haha Brayden had the best time and insisted on taking a picture with Bryan since they made it together! I think he turned out pretty darn cute! Also being a girl I had to accessorize a bit ;)

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20- Good to get out!

After being stuck in the house with sick kids all week, it was nice to have a break! Leap Year was a cute movie... but then again any movie with a cute guy and an accent wins my vote!! Thanks Britt B. for the invite! :)


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19- Surviving...

Thanks to another round of croup in the Cascio household... this is the only thing sustaining us it seems. Between the breathing treatments, humidifiers and baby tylenol... our house looks more like a pharmacy then anything else! Oh the joys of having three sick kids...


Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18- Yummm...

Here is Avery's first attempt at good ol' rice cereal...

I don't think she's a fan...


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17- The other chart

Brayden thought it was very important for Riley to have a Potty Chart at my mom's house for Grandma sleep-overs. I just had to get a picture of it! What an awesome big brother!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16- "Winter Wonderland"

When we got to this location with all the frost on the trees, it looked like a winter wonderland! And Kaylee and AJ made it that much more breathtaking!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15- Grateful

I am so grateful for brides like Kaylee that make my "job" amazing! I just had to be there on her wedding day even though we didn't plan on it in the beginning. When someone values what you do as much as she does, I would do just about anything to make it there for her special day! Thank you Kaylee for being so incredible... not to mention GORGEOUS!! :)

Tomorrow is her reception and formals!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 14- My happy helper!

I love that Brayden LOVES to vacuum! He thinks its fun! I wish I could feel the same way about it but he helped to get things done around the house. And he didn't stop there... he cleaned his room and took Ollie out to go the bathroom too. He was so great about it all I gave him 50 cents... which was really cool to him!!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13- Dollar store special

My sister Ashley is famous with my kids for taking them to the dollar store every once in a while. Its even a special event for their birthdays.. they get to buy as many items for how old they will be! They talk about it for days!! Today was Riley's turn to go for a fun little trip... and she insisted on carrying her purse just like her auntie Ashley!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12- Gotta love the hook-ups

This is my sister's sister-in-law and her beau! She thinks its always nice to know someone... I am glad that someone is ME!

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11- Eating out...

We have decided that eating out must be hazardous to all our health, especially for Riley. Less then a month ago we went to Golden Corral and Riley threw up because of a concussion she got from falling down Grandma's stairs, which lead to an E.R. visit... tonight when we went out to The Bluebird she kept walking between chairs and I told her to sit down or she was going to fall. Sure enough, not 5 minutes later, the chairs slide apart and down she went! We aren't sure if it was the table or the tile floor that did it, but her chin was split open and had to be glued shut! Daddy said she was really brave, but only after she was given popsicles which she has come to expect from an E.R. I guess my waist line should be thanking her... ;)
P.S. Please excuse the way I look... it was the only way to get a "chin" shot!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10- Dancing with daddy :)

I love moments like this! Ever since I have had my baby girls, the father-daughter dances at the weddings I shoot totally get to me now. I can just see him dancing with Riley 20+ years from now (hopefully haha) on her wedding day and her looking as much like a princess to him as she did tonight! He won't admit it, but she's had him wrapped around her pinkie from day 1 :)


And I just had to share this one of the our other princess cause its just so darn cute!
