Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11- Eating out...

We have decided that eating out must be hazardous to all our health, especially for Riley. Less then a month ago we went to Golden Corral and Riley threw up because of a concussion she got from falling down Grandma's stairs, which lead to an E.R. visit... tonight when we went out to The Bluebird she kept walking between chairs and I told her to sit down or she was going to fall. Sure enough, not 5 minutes later, the chairs slide apart and down she went! We aren't sure if it was the table or the tile floor that did it, but her chin was split open and had to be glued shut! Daddy said she was really brave, but only after she was given popsicles which she has come to expect from an E.R. I guess my waist line should be thanking her... ;)
P.S. Please excuse the way I look... it was the only way to get a "chin" shot!



  1. Oh my gosh! You didn't tell me about either of those! Poor thing! At least it wasn't stitches right?
    Great're all caught up now! yay!

  2. Oh poor little thing! Oh, and I love that you are doing the same thing as her - too cute!
