Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1- The beginning

Oh man... what am I getting myself into here?! I have seen a couple friends do this 365 day challenge (Suzanne thanks for the inspiration)... a picture every day for one year. I have contemplated doing it myself for the past couple years and I am finally taking the plunge! I can't promise they will all be amazing shots... most of them taken with my little point and shoot I am sure! haha But I guess that's the whole point!! I need to take the time to document my life too! I have 3 little reasons why... and that makes it all worth it!

So here's picture numero uno! I kind of feel like this snowman a lot these days... three kids, a house and a business to take care of! But I need to find the humor in everything to make the journey more fun :)


And here's a couple more just cause I think they are kinda pretty!

 DSC_4478-1-1 DSC_4492-15-3

And here's the door from whence (yeah i just said whence) my header came! I LOVE it! It totally says "THE SHACK" on it!! One of my new favorite locations!


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