Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8- The potty watch

I am in the middle of the bathroom battle with my almost 3 year old. I know she is ready to be potty trained, but I am not sure she is entirely convinced its for her! I have tried just about everything... from the Potty Chart to now "The Potty Watch". The thing sings a song and lights up every half an hour to remind her.. and me.. its time to go sit on the porcelain princess thrown. I am not sure how its going to go, but somethings got to work right?!

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Another thing I am not so sure about is this...

She looks so cute now... but put that thumb in a 4 year old's mouth and its not so cute anymore. But then again she won't take a bottle or a binkie, so whats a mom to do?!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Get her to take a binki now! Ash still sucks her thumb when she is tired and it drives me bonkers. We have an ultrasound pic with her thumb in her mouth, so it started early with her. :)

    ps I just realized there is a word verification and I left like 4 other comments without filling it out! Oops. Your other pics rock!
